The distance between Stubicke Toplice and the main city Zagreb is 40 km. There is good conncetion with roads, trains and buses.
From the direction of Zagreb – Stubičke Toplice: by highway to exit Zabok, at the roundabout first exit towards Stubičke Toplice.
by rail:
From the direction of Zagreb – switch to a local train at the stop Zabok. Updated information’s are available on official web page Hrvatskih željeznica.
by bus:
There are direct lines from Zagreb i Zabok. Updated information’s are available on official web pages Autobusnog kolodvora Zagreb i Presečki grupe.
The closest airport:
Pleso (Zagreb – Velika Gorica) – 50 km
We can provide you with an organized transport from airport and to airport. You can contact them directly on, or feel free to ask for assistance our IPD.